Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to play in the golf tournament?

The tournament is open to the public. Anyone can participate, so feel free to spread the word to friends!

What is the date and time of the tournament?

The tournament will be held Thursday, August 15th at the Big Canoe Golf Course. Registration at 8:00 and shotgun starts at 9:30.

What is the entry fee?

$125.00 per person. All team/player payments are online.

How are the teams organized?

Four person teams, men and women.. If you do not have a foursome, we will organize you into a foursome.

Are Handicaps Used?

Give us your current handicap when registering. If you do not have an established handicap give us an estimated handicap.

Can I get a Mulligan?

Each player gets a mulligan upon registration. Additional mulligans can be bought at the course for $5.00.


The biggest winners will be the Men's Fellowship Charities. The tournament will have a net winner who will receive trophies and Golf Shop Bucks. Second place through fifth place will win Golf Shop Bucks.

Is there food available?

Lunch will be served after the tournament in the Big Canoe Clubhouse

What if it rains?

If the outing is rained out the sponsorship money and entrance fees will be donated to the Big Canoe Chapel Men's Fellowship and the Timothy House. The luncheon will go on as scheduled.